Role of AI in Pharma Industry

Role of AI in Pharma Industry

Clinical variation management is vital in improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs and handling financial risks. Its large scale application could address the enormous cost spent on procedures that don’t improve patient outcomes. Reducing clinical variation requires an analysis of massive amounts of data spread across multiple systems. Conventional analytics applications are not apt candidates for this task, but artificial intelligence is. AI with a vast amount of computational power can rapidly develop and measure adherence to highly sophisticated care process models. Flager hospitals have successfully employed an AI solution to improve care paths for pneumonia and sepsis and are on track to apply the same technology to more conditions over the coming months.
The initial step was challenging and included pulling out data from electronic health record (EHR), enterprise data warehouse, and surgical, financial and corporate performance systems. Then the data was brought to the clinical variation management application. Understanding which variables are essential to the task was challenging. The variables include costs, length of stay (LOS), duration of the encounter, actions such as medication orders, and vital signs. The AI solution used machine learning to understand the structure of data and patterns that unveiled the best pneumonia treatment approaches. The program then showed the direct variable costs, the average length of stay, readmission rates, and mortality rates along with the statistical significance of the data.
Even without a data scientist on board hospitals can improve patient safety and outcomes, increase efficiency, and boost bottom lines. As hospitals move toward clinical risk variation must be managed, and AI solution will be the perfect way to accomplish that goal with less cost. There is a positive response primarily due to the use of hospital data with the AI program, instead of data from scientific studies. As a result, the physicians are becoming confident that the results were based on data for patients like theirs. Following the successful pilot, Flager used the AI solution to improve its sepsis COPD, and heart failure care paths.
Logistics is traditionally associated with the package delivery industry. It is a complicated process and companies are turning to new technologies like artificial intelligence to optimize their operations. Healthcare space can benefit from the implementation of shipping logistics. For example, a healthcare organization with multiple locations staffed with specialists and doctors who are not interchangeable and are operating under numerous scheduling constraints. This organization uses spreadsheets and ineffective planning along with the poor allocation of resources which leads to their poor utilization. This is not only wasteful but will also cost money to the organization.
Approaching telemedicine with a logistical mindset makes sense. This space is predicted to grow up to $66 billion by the end of 2021. Telemedicine came into the scenario because of the need for practitioners in remote or rural areas with a shortage of specialists. Over the years, the adoption of telemedicine has been slow owing to regulatory barriers, inconsistent coverage, and unfavorable reimbursement models. With time, these barriers have started to fall pushing the use of the model.
The most effective use of telemedicine is in the area of teleconsults where an organization can consult a remote specialist regarding an issue. Isolated patients can benefit from this solution and get better diagnosis and treatment decisions. The ability to get experts according to need across isolated geographical areas ensures patients of improved care and reduced costs.
The healthcare space is facing an issue of combinatorial explosion. This issue is mainly due to hundreds of doctors with their specialties, working at all different times of the day at various facilities. The sheer number of combinations is a challenge in matching physicians to patients. The core of this service is to create a lean network of specialists with different areas of expertise available on demand. From a mathematical point of view, it requires massive logistics to make this model efficient and effective.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can solve the combinatorial explosion. It can take massive amounts of data, understand complex constraints, and intelligently compartmentalize the time of physicians around the network for excellent logistical understanding. The real power of AI lies in its ability to scour the through all the possible doctors, facilities, schedules, space combinations, and more. So, instead of manually finding the schedules, artificial intelligence allows the computer to chart a course. Telemedicine has the potential to transform health care delivery, and this kind of proactive, pragmatic approach to telemedicine can push it in the right direction.
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